
Hi, I’m Brett. Welcome to my blog, Pencil Pusher. I am writing here as part of my ongoing cultivation of a lifelong curiosity for growth and learning with a focus on marketing, creativity, and leadership.

What is a Pencil Pusher?
Thanks for asking.

Firstly, I love pencils. They are beautiful, interesting, and functional tools. A pencil is something you hold in your hand and use to create ideas and sentences from thin air. I carry one with me everywhere I go (alongside a Moleskine notebook). I love that they’re analog. That they’re tangible, that they can break, that they have a limited lifespan, that they require sharpening.

“Pencil pusher” is usually a derogatory term. Merriam Webster defines it as “a person who does predominantly paperwork.”

My intention with using the name “pencil pusher” is to refashion the moniker to be something more playful and fun, something that celebrates creativity and the pursuit of progress. Using a pencil to push myself to write, learn, and share.